What's Been Achieved

Over the past 9 years, much has been achieved.

So far we have:

  • Constructed a Kindergarten in the Oudong province (in progress as at September 2014)
  • Constructed buildings for 4 church communities
  • Constructed the first housing community (including a well and a community centre) to home 21 families who previously made an existence scavenging on the dump. This was completed in 2009 and we are hoping to perfect and replicate this concept elsewhere. Find out the details here.
  • Established over 25 small businesses for people who previously made an existence scavenging on the dump. This included the provision of equipment such as sewing machines, taxi motorbikes, shoemaking e quipment, generators, etc
  • Developed regular feeding programs for the most needy on the streets of Phnom Penh

And have also ran many relief projects including:

  • Providing many tonnes of rice for people living on the local dump
  • Providing basic health care to street people
  • Undertaking several clothing projects including providing clothes for an entire village
  • Taking a boat laden with rice, veggies and pajamas over the Tonle Sap River across to the Muslim Boat People who where suffering from malnutrition. It had been a bad season for fishing (which is their livelihood).
  • Encouraging Ayling, a delightful Indonesian lady, who runs Morning Star Center, providing free education for children too poor to go to school. We occasionally drop in clothing, hats, and educational games and spend time reading stories and playing games with the children.
  • Arranging a small truck to take in 300 x 5kg bags of rice and the same amount of noodles, together with vegetables, reading glasses and toys to help the 300+ people living in poverty near the airport.
  • And a number of other relief projects providing essential humanitarian aid to the poorest of the poor.

This is simply an overview in dotpoint form, but the significance of these achievements becomes so much more real when you meet the people whose lives have been changed forever.

If you'd like to help us achieve even more for these beautiful people, find out how to Take Action. You can also read about what is currently happening and meet some of the people whose lives have been changed on our Blog.